Every day I wake up and think, I need to get my life in order. Then I drink my cup of coffee and get on with the day without addressing the unrest I feel inside. Why? Because my TO-DO list takes over. Life takes over. Instead of slapping things back to shape, I make lists of meaningless tasks, complete them and celebrate my success. I literally feel like I deserve a glass of wine every night that I check all the things off my list.
We are all caught up in tedious routines and we shoulder responsibilities that can sometimes numb us to the mental anguish of not having things in order.
But really, what does getting your life in order really mean to you? To me, it means having clarity on my path. It means working towards a known goal. It means coming to peace with the fact that my path may be different but it doesn’t mean that I am lost. It means to stop waiting. To stop waiting for Friday, for summer or for something else. Life is NOW.
I have been in a constant state of waiting for the last 8-9 months. At first, I was waiting for one event to end, to get my life in order, but even before that happened, I signed up for the next one. Once the next one ended, I had a different milestone I was waiting to cross. In the meantime, a million things changed, but I was stuck in the state of waiting and I never got things done. Its 9 months later and I am overwhelmed with the lack of order in my life now. This ends today.
The only way to have your life in order is to live in the present, to make the most of NOW. So snap out of your wait zones peeps and seize life before it passes you by.